Wednesday, January 24, 2007

turkey burgers

A: we made turkey burgers for dinner last night. yum! we spiced them up with rosemary, oregano, coriander, garlic power, onion powder, black pepper, and sea salt. then topped them off with a little dash of worcestershire sauce. then we topped them with lettuce, tomato, avocado, red onions and colby jack cheese. all finished on a whole wheat potato bun. I honestly prefer regular meaty burgers, but these were yummy!


ME said...

YUM! Those look great! Where do you get whole wheat potato buns?

Anonymous said...

Those do look really good. I'm ready for Charlie to get home so I can actually cook something for dinner. I just don't get very motivated to cook a whole meal just for me.

alyson.borda said...

we got the potato buns at Fresh Market.